Please don’t reupload/repost this challenge as yours without permission! We spent a very long time making it….Try and save all the gravestones from your heirs (and their families if you would like!) for reasons that will become evident later on in the challenge ).Money cheats are generally frowned upon :(.Each gen “starts” when the heir turns into a young adult, but feel free to build up their skills and complete objectives before then!.You are in no way obligated to have your heir be the same gender, race, or sexuality as the main character in each generation.Each generation is only loosely based off a character from the wildly popular Harry Potter™ series since there’s not an exact conversion from the series to the sims! We tried our best to accommodate what we felt were some of the most important traits and values of each character.This challenge was made by me ( and We had so much fun making it, and would love to talk to you guys and see your sims if you decide to play this challenge! This challenge is fun for everyone, not just hardcore fans! Besides, maybe playing will make you want to introduce yourself to the wonderful world of Harry Potter. If you haven’t read (or watched) the Harry Potter series, WHY? Just kidding. There’s really only one question, are you ready to get back to Hogwarts? You can now ascend to the next level of fandom with the Harry Potter Legacy Challenge.

Have you ever thought “Hey, how can I make my sims cooler than they already are?” We got you, man.

The Sims 4: Harry Potter Legacy Challenge